Creating Sustainable Transformation

Is your business needing to introduce rapid and widespread change impacting multiple teams of people? You may have an idea of the changes that are needed but how do you create a change approach across the organization so that people feel ownership of the changes they will need to make and fits with your culture?

Often the change strategy is designed in the Executive leadership team and then the challenge becomes how to implement it as quickly as possibly. However often this can come across as a top-down centralised change approach which may not resonate with people on the frontline who are the people who will need to do something differently.

Creating a more balanced approach so that local business units can feel empowered to help define the change has been shown to increase the changes of success. So how do you go about creating this approach without losing control of the change agenda?

Organisation Design
How we work….

Our approach is to co-design with the business and maximise participation early in the process so that people feel ownership to use the new approach to change. Often there is a difference between people being informed rather than genuine collaboration to define and design solutions and we work to achieve the latter. In our experience this is the best way to ensure changes are adopted and are sustained in the long-term.

In a short period of time we can rapidly help you:

  • Assess organisational change maturity and assess critical gaps
  • Develop recommendations and a blueprint/roadmap for increasing change maturity
  • Design the best change operating model to fit the organisation’s culture for change
  • Create buy-in and engagement so that the business owns the change approach
Your approach to creating industry engagement and participation, such as through the conference recently held delivered a step change in the way this programme is perceived

Director Digital Transformation  |  Transport

Thank you for all the experience, energy and effort you put into your work for me whilst you were here. We came a long way and I couldn't have got this far without your help.

Head of Business Change  |  UK Infrastructure Network Provider

"Bespoke Change gave us the perfect support to partner and provide independent advice to enable us to create and implement our new strategy. I would highly recommend Mike and Blake"

Headteacher, Independent School  |  Leading Surrey School